Can Bottled Water be Bad for Your Teeth?

Water is life – this is a cliché description of water. It is believed that drinking enough water – at least 8 glasses a day – promotes good health and vitality. Thus, drinking a lot of water is always promoted. There are a lot of known advantages of drinking water – increases energy & relieves fatigue; promotes weight loss; 3. Flushes out toxins; improves skin complexion; maintains regularity; boosts immune system; natural headache remedy; prevents cramps & sprains; and puts you in a good mood – When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great and be happy thus, with the technology today, innovations involving water rose. Right now, from well and tap waters came the mineral water, alkaline water, and even kangen water. These kinds of water are more likely processed and are packaged in bottles.

Moreover, a lot of people are embracing a healthy lifestyle and believing that bottled water should be a part of their diet. Drinking a good amount of bottled water is often encouraged by doctors and dieticians alike, since staying hydrated is an important component of being healthy. Furthermore, bottled water is often marketed as being better for you as it seems like a healthier choice in beverages when compared to other sugary drinks, but it may be doing your teeth a disservice. Your bottled water could be missing some elements that promote oral health. In addition, most bottled water does not contain fluoride. Yet, drinking from a bottle instead of the tap is becoming more popular since it’s healthier to drink bottled water instead of sodas. Hence, the use of bottled water has doubled in the past decade.

As more consumers sip bottled water, fewer of them ingest enough fluoride to prevent cavities. If bottled water is your main source of drinking water, you could be missing the decay-preventive benefits of fluoride; a big reason why dentists are finding more cavities in younger children. Fluoride in water helps prevent tooth decay by 20 to 40 percent. Water without fluoride has the biggest impact on children under the age of eight. These are the ages in which their teeth are still growing. After your teeth have grown, dentists say it is fine to drink bottled water. Just be sure to get fluoride in your system with fluoride toothpastes or rinses.

To help, the following are tips to get fluoride.

● Consume commercially prepared foods and beverages that are fluoride-fortified. You may check the label of the item you are buying.

● Fluoridated toothpaste and/or professionally-applied gels or varnishes. These products can help strengthen teeth by hardening the outer enamel surface. This helps the teeth generate and replenish the lost enamel of the teeth.

●Take in dietary fluoride supplements (tablets, drops or lozenges). Supplements are available only by prescription and are intended for children ages six months to 16 years living in areas without fluoridated water in their community.

However, how can water with fluoride work? Fluoride battles dental cavities by strengthening tooth enamel of the teeth damaged by acid. Unfortunately, the majority of bottled waters contain little or no fluoride. In fact, fluoride may even be removed from water during the filtration process. Furthermore, how can bottled water be bad for your teeth? There are no studies completed to prove whether bottled waters contribute to dental cavities, it may be too early to tell how drinking bottled water affects your teeth. But, a lot, especially dentists believe that bottled water already went through thorough filtration processes, it already lost its fluoride content thus, believed to be not helping in replenishing the lost enamel of the teeth. It is thought that people who drink a lot of water in bottle and are the ones who do not use fluoride-full toothpastes or gels will eventually have weak teeth because of the loss of fluoride intake. That is the reason as well that a lot of companies have advertised their products to be filled with fluoride.

The next time you buy a bottle of water or use a filtration system, think about your teeth, too. Fluoride helps prevent cavities, and since dental health is linked to overall health, you’ll want to take the right steps to keep your mouth in great shape. Talk to your dentist about the benefits of fluoride, and include dental care in your plans for a healthy lifestyle. After all, you’ve worked hard for that body — why not have a great set of teeth to go with it?

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