Dealing with receding gums pain is both uncomfortable and concerning. Receding gums pull back from the teeth, expose the roots, and make the mouth quite sensitive to various stimuli, some of which might be painful. 

It is quite widespread, but there are some effective relievers to comfort you and protect your oral health. Today, you will learn how to manage and reduce gum recession pain using expert-recommended strategies.

Dealing with receding gums pain requires attention to oral hygiene. This doesn’t mean brushing harder but rather wiser. A soft-bristled toothbrush is used in such cases so that further harm to the gums does not take place. 

Brush your teeth for two minutes with gentle strokes without scrubbing your gums. 

Hard brushing or using a medium to firm bristle may heighten gum recession and, thus, discomfort. It’s also important to floss daily. However, be careful with flossing because it might irritate the already sensitive gums with too much force.

If your receding gums hurt, desensitizing toothpaste is a great choice. These toothpastes are designed to ease sensitivity in teeth exposed to gum recession. 

Desensitizing toothpaste forms a protective layer that acts as a barrier on the exposed parts of the teeth, blocking pain signals from reaching the nerves. Make sure to use it regularly, at least twice daily, as part of your daily brushing routine.

Most people start feeling relief from the pain of gum recession in a few weeks after using desensitizing toothpaste. Kindly remember that this type of toothpaste is not a cure for gum recession, but while you are dealing with a root issue, it can go a long way to keeping you comfortable.

Saltwater rinse is the most simple yet effective homemade remedy for pain from receding gums. It decreases swelling and kills bacteria, soothing swollen and irritated gums. 

Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water to make the saltwater solution. Rinse your mouth with the solution for half a minute, then spit it. Repeat two or three times daily to achieve the best results.

This home remedy not only relieves discomfort but also helps in healing. However, remember that salt water rinse is a temporary remedy. You still have to visit your dentist to cure the root of your receding gums.

Bruxism or teeth grinding, is a leading factor contributing to gum recession and pain. Grinding— especially at night puts pressure on your gums and hastens the process of their recession. 

More so, a custom-made mouth guard can help protect both your teeth and gums from further damage. A mouth guard prevents you from grinding your teeth in sleep.

A mouth guard will also prevent further discomfort and future gum recession pain by reducing the force applied to your teeth and gums. See your dentist for a properly fitted mouth guard rather than an over-the-counter one that may not offer the same measure of protection.

dental sensitivity

Certain foods, especially those that are highly acidic and sugary, can irritate the condition and worsen receding gums pain. Acidic foods, such as citrus fruits or those using soda, wear away the enamel of your teeth and further inflame exposed roots. 

Sugary snacks feed the bacteria within your mouth, building up the chances of tooth decay and further gum damage. If the gums are sensitive, avoiding such foods or taking them in limited amounts is best.

Instead, focus on a diet heavy in calcium, among other nutrients, that will help the health of gums and teeth. Good examples would include dairy products, leafy greens, and nuts.

The pain associated with receding gums can be alleviated in some cases with over-the-counter pain relievers. 

NSAIDs help with the swelling and may help ease the pain of gum recession. 

However, you should not depend on painkillers and leave the root cause untreated, for it will never permanently stop the gum recession.

Regular dental visits are necessary to prevent and treat pain associated with gum recessionRegular cleaning removes plaque and tartar, contributing to gum recession. It’s one of the most effective ways of maintaining your gums in a healthy condition and alleviating pain.

If the symptoms persist and one is not relieved by this home care, consult your dentist about professional gum treatment. The most common treatment for receding gum pain is scaling and root planing, also known as deep cleaning. 

In this non-surgical procedure, plaque and hardened tartar are removed from above and below the gum line.

In cases where the gums have receded over large areas, your dentist may recommend a graft. This surgical procedure in gum treatment takes tissue from the mouth and attaches it where the gums have receded. 

Though surgery might be overwhelming for anyone, the benefit is long-term pain relief from receding gum pain and better oral health.

Dental Treatments


Receding gums pain can affect daily life. However, by giving your teeth and gums the proper care, you can find some relief from that pain and prevent further damage. 

Improving oral hygiene, desensitizing products, and dental consultation for professional gum treatments are the most important protection measures for gums and teeth. 

Our dentists at RiverRockDental can cater to all your dental treatment needs and advise you on the best course of treatment for receding gums.

Schedule an appointment today to get your receding gums checked. 

Our address: 403 1st Ave East Shakopee, MN 55379

Phone : (952) 445-5556

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