How to Keep Dental Pain at Bay

Dental pain is one of the worst kinds of pains, and a possible aftermath of cavities, cracked and loose teeth, an abscess or a sinus condition. The first and smartest way to keep dental pain at bay is to prevent its roots through regular checkups, eating the right foods and following a proper oral hygiene. Should prevention not work in your case, you could try the following home remedies to lessen pain until you visit your dentist for thorough diagnosis and treatment:


Boiling water mixed with a spoonful of salt is a great pain-killing mouthwash that cleans away irritating debris and draws out some of the fluid that causes swelling. Swish the saltwater around for 30 seconds before spitting it out, and repeat as often as needed.


Nicely flavored with numbing power, peppermint tea is a great mouthwash that relieves pain. For swelling, try black tea as its astringent tannins helps ease spasms and lessens inflammation. Try placing a warm teabag against the affected tooth for quick, temporary relief.


Numb your aching tooth by rubbing an ice pack for about 5 to 7 minutes and massage it with your thumb and forefinger.


Instantly switch to a soft bristled brush or one designed for ‘sensitive teeth’. Avoid consuming hot and cold foods and switch to softer edibles that will be painless on your teeth. Further, avoid sugary foods that can trigger bacterial action and worsen the condition.


Cloves consist of a natural anesthetic, a primary chemical compound known as eugenol. Putting a couple of drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and placing against the aching tooth helps numb the area and provides relief from the pain. Avoid pouring the oil on the affected area as it can worsen the pain.


Trying acupressure helps stop toothache fast. Press the back of your hand where the base of your index finger and thumb meet with your other thumb. Apply pressure for two minutes as it helps trigger the release of endorphins, the feel good hormone. Do not try this if you are pregnant.

You should remember that these pain relief techniques are temporary and only suppress the symptoms, not cure the cause! Visit your dentist as soon as the problem occurs and get a thorough diagnosis and medical regimen.

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